So, I'm perusing DailyKos today (yeah, I know, call me out on that), when a post catches my eye. Entitled "The Clinton 527". It cites this ABC blog entry for its source:
Essentially, the American Leadership Project (ALP) is established to attack Senator Obama, with a concentration of ads in Ohio. While not attacking the senator by name, the ads mention "if speeches could solve problems", which is a constant line of thought seen in many of Hillary's stumpings, especially recently.
ALP has a goal to raise $10 million by the end of next week, which is pretty much a $10 million donation of sorts to the Clinton campaign.
Barack and John Edwards had 527s formed in their favor earlier in this primary race, and both asked that those 527s disband, remembering the "Swiftboat Veterans for Truth" that helped sink Kerry's campaign run. The question to be asked is if Hillary will do the same. Will Hillary Clinton ask ALP to disband?
Now, most people who read this blog are pretty sure of who I support for Democratic candidate. I don't see Senator Clinton asking to disband this 527. She needs a March 4th victory to keep her campaign afloat, and I sense that she may be just desperate enough to use whatever resource she can get, even if that resource is one as disdainful and suspicious as a 527.
My questions to you, the reader, are these:
Will Hillary ask ALP to disband, and why or why not?
What are the ramifications for the Democratic Party if this 527 is allowed to exist?
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